
Thank You Baby Liam!

I am in Ohio visiting my family so I apologize about my lack of postings! As I sit here, I am realizing that this trip has been very peaceful as opposed to other trips back home. It can be difficult to come home after being on your own. Sometimes, I walk in the door and somehow change back to a little girl and can complain and be annoying easily. This trip was different somehow.

I think a lot of it has to do with my new nephew. My sister Melanie had a baby boy on June 11, 2008 and I just met him for the first time! It's cute because my family is forever transformed. No longer is there loudness and immaturity in this house. It has been replaced by a peaceful environment (how can you NOT be peaceful with this beautiful baby sleeping in the family room?). I really think that thanks to Liam (my nephew), our family is peaceful, more joyful, and more thankful of life.

Another observation has been seeing my sister be a mother. It is the coolest thing I've ever seen. Dan was here too and observed "I have never seen Melanie so happy." He is very right. She smiles all the time and really lives for him now. She is working so hard to make sure that his every need is fulfilled and every possible obstacle is prevented (she made me PURELL my hands as soon as I walked in the house).

That's all for now. I am going to go cuddle with Liam :-)
