Hello everyone!
WOW - what a crazy weekend! I did SO much that it's going to be difficult to tell you about it all in one post, so I will use pictures when necessary :-)
I was sitting at home on Friday night feeling exhausted and trying to will myself to do my homework when my friend
Brandi texted me and told me to stop being a loser and go out with her. So on a whim, I went out to Baltimore with some of her friends. One of her friends was having a birthday so it was great to go out and celebrate!
Remember how I have the need to be a
tourist? Well, I finally decided to be one! I went to Old Town Alexandria with Dan for some shopping and touristy stuff. It was great, although EVERYTHING was expensive! Here are some of the highlights:
Yep! A pink motorcycle! I am not a huge pink freak, but I know most of you are so I thought you'd enjoy it! (I would prefer a green, purple, or yellow one!)
We went to a candy store and there was an ENTIRE ROOM dedicated to taffy! I LOVE TAFFY! I had to leave before I bought any! Mmmm and it smelled so good too :-) Oh and I also loved that store because the music was on really loud and the customers were dancing along with the sales associate. Pretty sweet right?
We eventually made it into a doggy bakery. I saw this "purse" and thought it was adorable! I miss my dog Jade so much and I would totally buy this for her! I did buy something though... for my ratties :-) Kilo had a birthday on September 1st (age 2) and we never properly celebrated! I bought 3 "mini-cakes" for my 3 boys and took some pictures. If you don't like rats, just please look at them with an open mind! They are adorable boys :-)
Happy birthday Kilo! "I am two years old." - Kilo
This is Thurston. He is always a little nervous about new things and people but he is improving everyday! I don't think his family before me was very nice to him. I got him from the Humane Society.
Spencer LOVED his cake! He is my youngest boy and I adopted him from a small animal
agency. He loves life and is always trying to figure out new ways to escape!
OH! And I almost forgot. One of my dearest friends, M, has a bunny named Cubby and I babysat him all weekend - he is such a doll :-)
That is Cubby doing his "model pose".
Ohhh Sunday... Sunday was great actually! The only reason I say "Ohhh Sunday" is because I am dreadfully sore. Some friends and I went on a hike for Dan's best friend's birthday. We went to
Shenandoah National Park and did a 7 and a 1/2 hour hike to Old Rag which is a HUGE hill/mountain. It was longer than I thought, but totally worth it. Here are some of my pictures from Sunday:
I wish I was a bird!
It was just all so beautiful and I am happy I went :-)
In other news (*sniff*) my
purse was picked by someone. I am trying everyday to win a purse but maybe it's just not meant to be. I am still going to try though! Wm is NOT a quitter!
Anyways, that's my weekend in a nutshell. I hope you all had a fantabulous weekend as well!