
Being a Tourist In Your Own Backyard

Happy Thursday-Which-Means-Tomorrow-is-Friday Everyone!

I plan on moving next year (which I know I haven't posted about yet but will elaborate on that soon) and it really got me thinking.

I currently live in one of the best areas in the US: Washington, DC. It's really amazing - there are always places to go, people to see, free museums to visit, excellent shopping, etc, etc. While I have done my share of exploring, a lot of my time here has been focused on school and work. With the realization of my move next year, I now understand that I haven't taken complete advantage of living here. There are so many places I haven't been like:

1) Annapolis
2) Arlington Cemetary
3) Old Town Alexandria

...just to name a few. I need to start being a tourist and being grateful for where I live! I know when I move, I will look back and miss being here and wish I would have explored more.

This Saturday, I am hoping to be a "tourist" and go sight seeing somewhere.

Has this happened to you? Have you lost touch with your city and want to become a tourist again?

