
Moving Next Year... Not Sure Where

Hello and Happy Friday everyone!

It is time that I let you guys know what is going on in my head and one of the many school-related reasons that I am crazy stressed out (which I don't think is portrayed accurately in these posts).

Right now I am in my final year of classes for my graduate program and next year is a full year internship. This year we are responsible for applying and figuring out where our internship should be. I will tell you that the internship will be in a school system but there are SO MANY CHOICES. We could literally pick ANYwhere. Here are some ideas right now (and possibilities of where I could end up):

- Philadelphia
- California (Either near LA or SanFran)
- Minnesota
- Missouri (Central)
- Virginia (45 minutes from Charottesville)
- Florida

Wow! It actually feels really good typing those out. I know many of you live in some of these places. Any insights? Any oppostitions to these locations?

It's just so hard to deal with on top of everything else. I am really the type of person who likes to know where they will be next year. I just hope everything pans out the way it should.

I'm sure this post is the start of many more to come so please bear with me.

Enjoy your Friday!
