Happy Sunday night everyone!
Confession: This weekend, I did not wear mascara. In fact, I didn't worry about anything and it was marvelous!
I did however, bring Marc (Jacobs):
and Marc:
I just got back from one of the BEST weekends ever! It was fabulous. Dan and I went to a cabin owned by one of our good friends, T (THANK YOU T!). The cabin had no water, no heat, and no bathroom aka... it was a perfect way to get away from the franticness that is our lives. We left yesterday afternoon around 2 and it took us about 2 hours to arrive. Once we got closer, we realized how beautiful it was! We even saw a "preppy scarecrow" on the way:
This is another picture from the drive... this is not the cabin, but beautiful nonetheless:
When we arrived at the cabin, we were greeted by a neighbor who told us that there was a bear nearby. Dan and I named him Carl (I came up with it... not sure why but I thought Carl was the perfect name for him!).
Since there was a bear nearby, Dan and I made sure to keep our food inside the cabin at all times. Also, every time I heard ANYTHING, I would freak out and make Dan go look outside and, sure enough, it was a squirrel every time. I was actually disappointed that I didn't see the bear because I feel like I always hear about them or see the evidence of them, but never see them! Ugh.
Bears aside, everything else was great too. We had cheeseburgers, chips (and dip!), popcorn and shells and cheese (with 2% milk - half the fat, you should try it, it was good!) for dinner and of course tons of red wine :-)
On a new topic, I found out that I won Pink Cupcake's 100 Post giveaway! Thank you Pink Cupcake! Make sure to visit her blog because she always has interesting finds and great things to say! I am a daily visitor of her blog. I am really in AWE and so excited especially for my new car monogram! I think I'm going to do one in white because I have a red car. Any advice on this?
Also, don't forget to enter my giveaway and thank you to all who have entered so far, especially if you posted about it! It is much appreciated.
Right now, I am watching the Style Network's new show called "Ruby". It's really great and I recommend watching it. Ruby seems like such a doll :-)
Have a great Sunday night everyone! Check back tomorrow because a great friend of mine needs advice and I'll be posting about it tomorrow.