I have to make this post quick because I have so much to accomplish today but I do have an announcement!
I'm moving to...
I just found out that I am moving to PITTSBURGH for internship next year! Where are all my Pittsburgh bloggers at? Don't be too alarmed though - I'll be back in DC a ton next year on weekends and holidays.
I am super excited to secure a great internship in my favorite city! The opportunity is just rockin' and I can't wait to blog all about it! The logistics are still being worked out but I know I'll be moving around August and staying their for at least the school year. After that? Who knows.
BTW, I promise that my new blog design will be up soon (hopefully early next week). I know I'm starting to sound like a broken record but we've had another issue and how it's all about blogger/google and how they are making us jump through a billion hoops to transfer my domain name to a new host. So frustrating! I was on the computer yesterday practically close to tears. Please bear with me. Until then, please join in my happiness about my new opportunity in the 'burgh! :-)