Hey everyone!
Yikes I just got back from a midterm and my hands/fingers ache so bad! Maybe it's because in this day and age we use the computer so much and not write? Or maybe it's because my professor assigned us four long essays towards the end (in addition to shorter ones already). My concern is not the content but rather if she can read my damn handwriting! Towards the end it looked like a 6-year old wrote it. Oh well.
This week is turning out to be very exciting for this blog because I'll be unveiling my blog design! I'm so excited so I want to give you a teaser:
Cool right? Yep, that's a mascara wand and a really cool minty green color that my little sister helped pick out (thanks V!). My blog designer is Shannon Landis and you can visit her website by clicking on her name. She and I went to high school together almost 7-years ago (wait.. what? 7 years!) and have kept in touch. Through Facebook I found out that she made herself into a graphic designer so I took a chance and asked her to do my design. This experience working with her has been so much fun and I've learned a lot from her and just the process in general.
Some of you have asked questions about me switching to Wordpress and this is true. I'm leaving blogger for many different reasons but essentially because I want more control over the webspace and to simply do more. I can elaborate on this later. What does this mean for you? Nothing at all because I will be carrying over my domain name (WearingMascara.com) so one day you will see me at blogger and the next, it will be Wordpress. I do ask that you make sure that you're reading my blog through WearingMascara.com and NOT WearingMascara.blogspot.com because there is a slight chance that you are (even though from day one I've been just WearingMascara.com).
In addition to my design launch, I'm going to be having a SEXY giveaway to celebrate so look forward to that. :-)
Lastly, do you guys have any suggestions for me? Do you have anything you'd like to see in this new website? Anything you don't want to see or object to? I'd love to see your comments and constructive critism. I'm always learning!
Thanks for being the BEST readers in the world :-)