

Google finally gave up my domain from the hostage situation!

I'm FINALLY switching to WordPress early next week! Here's the email I got from Surpass:


I am pleased to inform you that your registration transfer for [wearingmascara.com] has completed. Your domain registration for [wearingmascara.com] will now expire on August 4, 2010 and is fully manageable via your client account at http://client.surpasshosting.com/. When you are ready, you can update your nameservers for [wearingmascara.com] to point to your hosting account with us through your account. If you would like us to do this for you, please reply back with your confirmation. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

Thank you,
Server Analyst II
SurpassHosting.com, Inc.

Dear Joshy-Washy,

You have been so incredibly helpful! Thank you for that email - you MADE my day :-)


Your-Blogging-Sweetheart Julie

Well folks, I'm finally switching over! I'm SO excited for you to see the new design. In case you missed it, go here for the design teaser.

Okay, now back to work - big project due tomorrow plus an exam I haven't studied for yet. Eeeek!
