
Pay It Foward! :-)

Hello everyone!

Yesterday, I arrived home all set and ready to do my school work. Kinda. I wasn't too happy about it. Then, I checked my mailbox and there was a SURPRISE from Miss Pink Cupcake which put a huge smile on my face:

It's her Pay It Forward gift to me! How CUTE is that key chain? I looove it and she made it herself! :-) With that said, I am going to Pay It Forward now to the first THREE people that comment on this post! The "rules" state that the exchange focuses on doing an act of kindness without expecting anything in return.

Here's how it works: I will send a little something to the first 3 bloggers who post a comment on this entry. In turn, those three will post this information and pick 3 people they want to send something to and so on. You must have a blog in order to participate so you can in return Pay It Forward to 3 other bloggers. Also, I can only Pay It Forward within the United States due to rising postage costs.

Please email me when you comment with your address!

Good luck! :-)
