
Running, Weight Watchers, and Hungry Girl

Hello again!

Since school is over for me (jumping up and down!), I can now focus on myself again (at least for my winter break!). Tomorrow, I will be up at 8 am sharp to register for the Cherry Blossom 2009 10-Mile Run which will be held in Washington, DC on April 5, 2009. If you are a runner and live nearby (or want to take a trip to DC in April!), you should register! I registered last year (although did not run because of injuries, but more on that later) and the registration was closed within 4-hours. They also have a fabulous virtual training program. Last year, I followed the beginners plan and never felt better about myself!

Also, Weight Watchers has announced a NEW PLAN called Momentum. I have not learned it fully yet, but please visit their website for more information.

I'm sure by now you have all heard about Hungry Girl, but in case you haven't, let me fill you in. Basically, she is not a nutritionist but instead, she is just like one of us! She has tons of tips and information about eating right from a Hungry Girl's perspective (get it? ha...). I receive her emails daily and they are very motivating! She is the one who told me about Vitatops, how to eat healthy at Panera, great food finds, and so much more!

Geez, I hope I can keep weight off during the holidays. I am eagerly looking forward to speed walking with my mom every morning in both Ohio and St. Louis while having gossip time. Now that's a way to keep the weight off! Have a great night!

