
Blog Identity Crisis: Would Love Your Input!

Hello readers,

It's Thursday and I am sitting here on my couch watching Ellen and drinking coffee with fat-free Reddi-Whip:

What do you think of the "J" mug? I found it for $6 at Anthropology when I was in St. Louis!

Gotta love days off right?

I want to thank you all for your lovely words of encouragement about Kilo. They really helped me so much. Last night, Dan and I buried him next to Dexter. He will always be in peace and is playing in the sky :-)


Now, I would like to discuss something with you, my readers. I could REALLY use your help/advice. Part of my new year resolution is to give this blog a "face-lift". As you know, I will be redesigning it shortly, but besides that I am considering changing the name and therefore, changing the URL.

I have some reasons for this. When I first started off this blog, I thought I would be focusing more on makeup - at least once a week. I love makeup - don't get me wrong, but I am realizing that I am writing about many different topics and do not want to be restricted to one thing or feel that I have to write about one topic.

Another thing is that "Wearing Mascara" seems to be lady-specific and while I love all my girls out there, I would love to have some male readers as well. For example, last night I was hanging out with Dan and his roommates. I told his male roommate, C, to check out my blog, "wearingmascara.com". He looked at me like I was crazy - almost like, "um, Julie what would you have that I would be interested in?" See what I mean?

So last night, Dan and I thought of some names for my blog. I would love to come up with a new "word" aka, not a word someone would recognize until they associate it with my blog. Here's what we came up with (this is just the first list we came up with, more brainstorming may need to happen!):
  • julipy
  • julico
  • julietopia
  • julity
  • julable
  • julize
  • juliefinity
  • julitonic
  • juliesphere
  • julieology
  • julistic
  • julieized
  • julified
  • zeesa (this is a name I use frequently for other usernames, etc. I got it from Yiddish and it is close to the word that translates to "sweet" in English).
*Note that some of these words could be changed by keeping the "ie" in my name or deleting it.

So, here's what I am asking you to do (PLEASE?):

- Tell me your honest opinion of the name situation. Do you LOVE Wearing Mascara? Do you hate it (and why)? Is there a name from the list you love/hate (and why)?

- Do you have any constructive feedback about my blog so far? I would appreciate any advice/suggestions!

Thank you everyone! You're the best!
