I have many aspirations and apart from psych*logy and Amer*can S*gn Langu*ge (ASL), I love photography.
I always have. It started when I was in high school and I took a class. My parents bought me a Canon Rebel G for my birthday and there I went shooting everything in sight. Since then, my camera has disappeared (cough, cough, I think my sister lost it cough cough) and last year, I made a spontaneous purchase. I bought a Nikon D40 and haven't looked back. Since then, I have taken tons of pictures. I even had the honor to be the photographer at my mother's wedding (small wedding needed a free photographer ;-)). That day gave me such joy I can't even begin to tell you. The pictures that came from that day are priceless to me and my family. I'm sure that they aren't "professional" one bit, but they are my pride and joy. Here, I would like to show you some pictures I have taken in the past year. I don't have a lot of good ones (in my opinion) but here are the ones I think are decent. Enjoy!
With advice from a blogger that I found, I recently purchased Photoshop Elements. I want to learn Photoshop, but I simply do not have the money right now. Also, I feel most pictures should become their best in the camera itself but I do want to learn more editting techniques. I can't wait to start using elements. Andrea also recommended a book for me to read! She's great, check out her blog and get inspired!
Also, for all you photography enthusiasts, check out Digital Photography School. It's an awesome website with tools, tricks, forums, fun, and even assignments (for free!).
I hope you enjoyed this post as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Happy photos,