Per my run yesterday, I am hurting all over. Really. I can barely cross my legs. In fact, I have to pick one up to assist it in crossing over the other. What's hard is that I have to run again today to follow along with my training. Later tonight, I'm hitting the treadmill because there is no way I am stepping outside in this wintery mix! I think that's why my muscles hurt to begin with!
Today was a great day, even with all the snow! I had an int*rpreting job near the Pentagon and while I got lost along the way, it was a great experience. It was a team job where I switched off and on with another int*rpreter. I love those types of jobs because I can watch the other int*rpreter and learn so much! It's hard though because some people don't like to be watched (me included) by other interpreters so I watched for a little and then read blogs on my iPhone.
When I got home, I was exhausted so I made some minestrone soup with crackers and then went straight to my bed for a nap. My days of laziness are numbered because the semester is officially underway. I have to enjoy my naps as I have them right?
Soon, I will go to the grocery store and Office Depot to pick up school supplies and officially organize myself for Spring 2009. Hopefully I can find some cute folders and notebooks because that always brightens up my day and semester! I'm excited to go food shopping because I have two recipes (one chicken tender recipe and one crock pot recipe) that I'm dying to try because they are low fat. Then, I have to hop on the treadmill before I become too lazy and ignore the training.
Ouch. I really hurt.
Have a great night everyone!